How Librarians
Help us all

Librarians you are so important
As Librarians, you believe in the power and magic that happens when books and people come together. You know your stock and you know your readers, your support to this campaign means so much!
By crediting illustrators, you can help remove one hurdle from a profession that’s very difficult for people to build their name in, particularly illustrators without other means to support themselves. The more illustrators get recognition for their work the richer your library collection becomes, as more voices will be heard. You benefit by getting a wider, more diverse range of books from people that reflect the community you work with.
How you can Help:
By Inspiring readers
You can open up the world of illustration to children and visual readers by helping them find out about illustrators and discover more of their books. You can talk about the images and recommend other works by the same illustrator, or discuss how it contrasts to another. This inspires readers to explore visually, take chances and make connections that are rewarding.
Helping readers search
When cataloguing your stock please check that the illustrator is listed (especially in picture books and heavily illustrated fiction). Making books more searchable by illustrator provides another road to finding the right books. We know not all borrowing systems have illustrator fields to populate, but if yours does it is worth the effort. If your suppliers are not providing that information it may be worth asking if they can.
Dazzle with your displays
Another great thing about illustration is that it gives you plenty of material to create eye-catching displays. You can create displays themed by illustrator, showing their books where they may have worked with a variety of writers. You can tie in with reading schemes and events such as the illustrator behind the annual Summer Reading Challenge or the annual Greenaway award. And if you are displaying characters or covers credit the author and the illustrator – twice as much material to grab attention.
Remember us
Crediting the artists of pictures you use in displays, blogs and on social media is important too. We know you know your stuff and take pride in the work you do as you guide people through the world of books. It may seem a small action to credit an illustrator for their work but it could make a big difference to that illustrator’s career.
Invite us
Illustrators do great events. Story time with extras! Invite us to be part of your events and we can do live drawing session or hands on session to get everyone making. We can help ignite that passion for books by opening a different path to reading, increasing the positive experiences children have with books that keep them coming back for more.

Read More

The Benefits of Crediting Illustrators
By crediting the illustrator you are supporting their career but it doesn't end there, every one benefits too. Read more to find out how.

#picturesMeanBusiness in the news
Read the press coverage we have received so far including The Bookseller, The Guardian, The Irish Times, The Nation and The Telegraph.

The Importance of Data
The data that can really make a difference in #PicturesMeanBusiness